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Dealing with transitions and ambiguity can be incredibly challenging. Our change workshops offer pragmatic frameworks for catalyzing change, developing change plans, engaging stakeholders, and overcoming resistance to change – that when leveraged, can lead to successful business outcomes.

Changing behavior requires changing people’s MENTAL MODELS

Debilitating Assumptions

  • Change happens once, and I need to get through it
  • The key to successfully leading change is to be clear about expectations
  • “Naysayers” are a barrier to change

Empowering Assumptions

  • Change is continuous, and we need to be adaptive
  • The key to successfully leading change is engaging stakeholders and helping them with the transformation
  • We need to listen to “naysayers” because we may be missing something important

…which enables more effective ACTION

To help participants navigate and lead change, they learn:

  • Strategies for being resilient
  • Ways to address the emotional and human component of change for themselves and their colleagues
  • How to craft a case for change, communicate a compelling vision, and how to create a clear roadmap to get to the desired future state

Access our Leading Change Assessment here

Better Actions Enabled_half
Results Achieved_half

…leading to better RESULTS

Putting new skills to work, participants more effectively navigate changes around and help their peers do the same. When acting in the role of change leaders, they more effectively and empathetically engage those working through the transformation. Not only is change managed, but they use it as a leverage point for successful business outcomes.

For more information about Vantage’s approach to training, visit the Training and People Development page.