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Strategic Thinking 

In a dynamic, unpredictable, and hyper-competitive environment, individuals and teams are increasingly called upon to be more strategic. This requires thinking more broadly about problems and their causes, about opportunities, and about the complex interplay between team/functional goals, enterprise priorities, and marketplace considerations.

Changing behavior requires changing people’s MENTAL MODELS

Debilitating Assumptions

  • I need to come up with possible solutions or strategies
  • I need to choose the best answer
  • Connections are linear – A connects to B which connects to C

Empowering Assumptions

  • I need to start by figuring out what success look like, for us and other relevant stakeholders
  • I need to fully understand our choices and their implications
  • I need to look at the big picture and the various dependencies

…which enables more effective ACTION

As opposed to moving from challenge or opportunity to solution, we teach participants that there are steps between to aid in broadening their thinking and help them do this by:

  • Uncovering connected players, systems, and events
  • Asking questions to explore all contributing factors
  • Brainstorming and analyzing diagnoses
  • Systematically evaluating different solutions
  • Creating awareness of implicit biases, feedback loops, and other decision-making challenges

Watch a short video about one of our  Problem-solving Tools

Better Actions Enabled_half
Results Achieved_half

…leading to better RESULTS

Putting new skills into practice, participants are better able to:

  • Creatively solve stubborn recurring problems by developing and understanding possible solutions in the context of broader organizational and stakeholder priorities
  • Make decisions by considering all relevant factors and taking a systematic approach
  • Anticipate, adapt, and navigate significant organizational changes as needed to achieve desired outcomes

For more information about Vantage’s approach to training, visit the Training and People Development page.